Jiangsu Huazhong Gas Co., Ltd. back in April


April is the most beautiful poem of spring, is the wanton growth of green, is the recovery of all things, the spring breeze in the wild; May is coming as scheduled, at the intersection of spring and summer, meet good, meet warm.


Prevent economic crimes and control business risks

Jiangsu Huazhong Gas Co., Ltd. in order to protect the healthy development of enterprises, enhance the employees' awareness of economic crimes and prevention consciousness, and effectively prevent economic crimes. On April 2, Jiangsu Huazhong Gas Co., Ltd. invited the police to visit the headquarters and carried out on-site lectures on the theme of "Preventing economic crimes and controlling business risks" for the heads of subordinate companies and functional departments. The course started from examples and analyzed and explained from simple to deep.


Jiangsu Huazhong Gas Co., Ltd. back in April

Through on-site teaching, the leaders of each subsidiary have a deeper understanding of economic crimes, a better understanding of how to prevent economic crimes, pay attention to integrity and law-abiding, jointly maintain the stability and development of the company, and lay a solid foundation for the rapid and stable development of Huazhong Gas.


There is a long way to go. Keep pushing forward

On April 17, Jiangsu Huazhong Gas Co., Ltd. participated in the high-quality development summary and commendation and development quality and efficiency improvement mobilization meeting held in the Economic Development Zone. Summarize the results of high-quality development work in 2023, report the results of comprehensive assessment, commend advanced, encourage morale, and issue a "mobilization order" to improve the quality and efficiency of development. The party leaders of the Economic Development zone read out the implementation plan of the "Year of Quality and Efficiency Improvement of Development", and read out the notification of comprehensive assessment results and the commendation decision.

Jiangsu Huazhong Gas Co., Ltd. was selected as the 2023 high-quality development advanced enterprise in the economic development Zone, and won the commendation of the 2023 intensive development demonstration enterprise.


This honor is not only a recognition of past achievements, but also a spur for future development. We will continue to uphold the concept of intensive development, continue to explore and innovate, and strive to bring more surprises and breakthroughs to the industry in the New Year.

Jiangsu Central gas Co., Ltd. team play

In this season of all things recovery, we ushered in another spring when Jiangsu Huazhong Gas Co., Ltd. was established. The spring breeze in the wild, walking with the dream April 20 anniversary activities is not only a celebration, but also a spiritual baptism, a team cohesion, a dream of sailing.


The general manager's opening remarks were as warm and inspiring as the spring breeze, making us believe that no matter how bumpy the road ahead is, where there is a dream, there is the light of hope.

We will sow together, cultivate together, and look forward to the harvest season together. In the process of activities, we not only planted the seeds of hope, but also planted the strength of unity and persistence in our hearts.


In this anniversary, we are not only celebrating the growth of the company, but also celebrating the growth of every employee. Here we do not talk about the glory of the past, do not fear the challenges of the future. We only talk about dreams, only talk about moving forward.