scientific sustainable development

The development of an enterprise must be compatible with saving resources. Enterprises can not lose sight of the other, regardless of the overall situation. As an entrepreneur, we must stand on the overall standpoint, adhere to sustainable development, and pay close attention to resource conservation. And we must make up our minds to change the mode of economic growth, develop circular economy and adjust the industrial structure. In particular, it is necessary to respond to the call of the central government, implement the strategy of "going out", and make good use of two resources and two markets to ensure the safe operation of the economy.

Assume the responsibility of protecting the health of employees and ensuring the treatment of employees

In order to meet the international requirements for corporate social responsibility standards, and to implement the central government's goal of "putting people first and building a harmonious society", our enterprises must undertake the responsibility of protecting the lives and health of employees and ensuring the treatment of nurses. As an enterprise, we must Resolutely do a good job of respecting discipline and law, caring for the employees of the enterprise, doing a good job in labor protection, continuously improving the wage level of workers and ensuring timely payment.

Undertake the responsibility of developing technology and innovating independent intellectual property rights

We must attach great importance to the digestion and absorption of imported technology and scientific and technological research and development, increase investment in capital and personnel, and strive to make innovation take the enterprise as the main body. Through scientific and technological innovation, reduce the consumption of coal, electricity, oil and transportation to further improve enterprise efficiency.

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